How to make armpoyas


Any structure is exposed to external natural forces. This can be subsidence and swelling of the soil, gusts of strong winds and much more. To avoid such an effect on the construction, a reinforced belt is constructed.
The first step is to assemble the shields. To do this, use a trimmed boot.

Using a screwdriver, we twist the boards together.

The number of shields depends on the perimeter of the building.

When laying the last row of the wall, we lay the corner blocks with the hollow part up.

Thus, we install blocks near the window openings.

We divide a blank wall into equal segments, but no more than two meters. At the same time, we install the blocks with the hollow part up - this will give the necessary adhesion of the walls, openings and corners with the armpois.

We prepare studs for connecting the shields to each other.

In order for the openings on the boards to coincide, we apply the boards to each other, taking into account the overlap on the corner of the outer side. From the edge of the upper part of the shields at a certain distance (the height of the arm belt) we drill holes along the diameter of the studs and install them in place.

Then we lift the finished panels up and install them on the wall by pushing the boards apart.

After we installed the boards around the perimeter of the walls, it is necessary to prepare the future jumper under the window opening. To do this, we fasten the shield from the bottom along the length of our window.

In order to prevent the solution from leaking in the slit and the jumper to be even, we close the jumper region with polyethylene, securing it with a stapler.

When the panels are exposed, the window openings are ready, we prepare the fittings. To do this, you need a pipe with a diameter larger than the fittings.

In the area of ​​the corners, the reinforcement must be bent in accordance with the corners of the walls. To do this, insert the fittings into the pipe and bend at the desired angle.

As a result, we obtain reinforcement bent at the desired angle.

In the holes of the inverted blocks we install supporting pieces of reinforcement.

After everything is prepared, we tie the reinforcement.

We connect the reinforcement to each other, fulfilling the following requirement: the overlap of the reinforcement must be at least 30 diameters of the reinforcement itself.

After linking the reinforcement, align the upper part of the armwork belt formwork. To do this, we fasten the jumpers to the top of the shields.

Corners are fixed by jumpers in the immediate vicinity of the corner.

Armpoyas formwork is ready for pouring.

We make the filling of the armpois with slag-cement mortar.

After two days, we remove the formwork.

This look has a ready-made jumper over the window, which at the same time serves as an armpoyas:

This is how the ready-made armpoyas looks like:
