The best way to decorate a summer cottage or a house adjoining territory is to use beautiful flower beds with flowers.
In this review, the master shows how to make a flower decorative flower bed out of concrete with your own hands. The idea itself is very easy to implement.
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First of all, it will be necessary to cut off a piece of thick packing cardboard of a suitable size and make markup.
The dimensions of a sheet of cardboard depend on the size of the future flower bed. The author makes formwork for concrete from cardboard.
The main stages of work
We draw the fold lines, after which you need to make triangular cuts in the corners. Then, using an even bar, the author bends the edges along the fold lines.
The next step is to mix a thick cement-sand mortar. Distribute it evenly over the surface of the cardboard.
Then, using a spatula, lift each side and support with a brick.
Next, sprinkle the solution with cement and with an ordinary brush, spread it on the inner surface.
In the center of the flower bed, it will be necessary to make a round hole - to drain water. Leave for 24 hours.
Then we disassemble the formwork, fill the flower bed with earth, transplant a flower into it and decorate with pebbles. It looks very beautiful.
For details on how to make a floral decorative flower bed out of concrete, we recommend that you look in the video on the site.