
Volumetric plate

Antique stylization: a decorative plate with a three-dimensional image. I really like antiques. There is a mysterious charm in time in them: once they decorated the interior of the estate, they witnessed the fate of its inhabitants, and then they came to our time, as if connecting the past and the present with an invisible thread.

Homemade splitter from an old rim from a car wheel

An old rim from a car’s wheel doesn’t have to be thrown away for scrap. It will make a useful home-made product for a summer house and a private house - a splitter. With it, you can quickly and effortlessly prepare firewood for the stove, fireplace or barbecue. So, to make a simple manual wood splitter for home and garden, you will need an old (even rusty) rim from the wheel, as well as an angle grinder with cutting and flap wheels.

Animal keychain with embroidery

What materials will be needed for this? - The cloth. Absolutely any, for sure you have unnecessary scraps of fabric lying around somewhere. In this master class, denim, which used to be jeans, was used. - Multi-colored remains of thread. Here it is a thread of floss. - Threads and needle for sewing. Also, the needle is useful for embroidery.

Which toilet to choose for home: rimless or rimless

Many people buy toilet bowls, focusing only on two main criteria: design and cost. However, there is another important point, which is also worth paying attention to - is the presence or absence of a rim around the perimeter of the toilet bowl. And a completely logical question arises: why is this rim needed at all?

Large wood grinding machine

If you need a practical and functional grinding machine for processing wooden workpieces, which does not take up much space in the workshop or garage and at the same time costs much cheaper than factory analogues, then there is only one way out - to make such a machine with your own hands. Materials for work. For the manufacture of a home-made grinding machine for wood, affordable and inexpensive materials will be used, so this home-made can be attributed to the budget class.

Homemade fan controller for your smartphone

Do you like to often play games on your smartphone? Then make yourself a gamepad with a fan, which is made in the form of a regular joystick. With it, it will not only be much more convenient to play games, but the phone itself will not overheat and will not disconnect from the increased load on the GPU. To make a home-made gamepad with a fan for a smartphone you will need an affordable and affordable material that can be found in almost every home - cardboard packaging.

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Kitchen knife made of steel disc for grinder

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Thin sheet metal punching machine

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The budget option for producing aluminum at home

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Drop watering for plants from a plastic bottle

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Heart shaped candy bouquet

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